Anime Wallpaper (Moetan)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
At the beginning part of this year, I was very very addicted to anime.
One particular anime that I liked a lot was Moetan. It didn't really have a very solid storyline I can put into words, but one thing I am very sure about is that it is just too cute. This is one that every lolicon fan must watch.
Hence, I made a wallpaper of it. You can click on it to view the full wallpaper.
But, since the source file (.psp format) is too big, I cant upload it to my host. (Its 30 MB file size) And as much as I can remember, it was quite a complex job, so no tutorial for it. Unluckily, I forget the steps I took... it has been 8 months afterall !!
Anyway, if you are into anime things and like design as well, here is a website that has loads of background-less pngs for you to use.
It also have loads of other stuff like brushes (photoshop ones), blogskins, etc. Kudos to them for the cleaned up image for this wallpaper.
Hmm, being in graphic design for rather long, I noticed that many avid designers are anime fanatics. But I can't quite seem to make a link between those two. Maybe it has things to do with artistic genes favoring anime and digital art? ;)
Labels: Anime, Graphic Tutorials
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